Sync.NET #3 at Kharkiv

11 November 2016

On the first Friday of November, NIX Solutions held #3 Sync. NET-community meetup, members of which were both loyal guests of our meetings and new attendees. They all helped the speakers at Sync.NET #3 to generate the conference program by voting for the topics. :)

After the second Sync. NET-community meetup, our email was showered with feedback from our guests. We were pleased with this enthusiasm and thought: why not call for a vote to find out which are the most relevant .NET topics now? Said and done: in a week, subscribers of VK, Facebook, and Twitter voted for topics of interest and helped us to create a program for Sync.NET #3!

The first conference reporter was Vladimir Chmuzh. Quick profile: 29 y.o., web-developer since 2012, .NET since 2014, aims to visit the Seven Wonders of the World. Topic: “ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services: integration of ASP.NET with modern frontend frameworks and tools.” Vladimir spoke on a number of “JavaScriptServices” tools, which offer infrastructure for SPA-based ASP.NET Core developers.
Some topics uncovered:
– modern trends in web development
– implementation of Node.js modules in a .NET application
– integration with Webpack and hot module replacement
– isomorphic applications
– server-side pre-rendering on Angular 2 applications
– the React and ASP. NET Core.

It was quite noisy during the coffee break. Everybody actively discussed what they heard, shared their impressions, and recharged with coffee and sweets. They were waiting for two more reports.

The second report “Xamarin: our first steps” was presented by Victor Kudrya. Quick profile: 23 y.o., .NET since 2013, looking to get a plush raccoon for his report at the Sync.NET #3.
Topics Victor spoke about:
– the opportunities of Xamarin and a first experience with a framework
– history of this technology
– recommendations for code organization in Xamarin application
– Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS vs Xamarin.Forms: customization against cross-platform.

Another report after a delicious coffee break—“SQL’o’phobia – the first symptoms and prevention” by Ivan Lomakov. Quick profile: 32 y.o., in .NET since 2010, wants to grasp the immensity.
The major topics Ivan spoke about:
– what could happen if avoid using SQL
– avoid the pitfalls in using ORM by the example of Entity Framework
– proper use of SQL queries and ORM and get the benefit from working with SQL.

As per tradition, every speaker got a plush raccoon as a gift. Meanwhile, guests of the conference faced a “serious” test—a quiz from our speakers. The lucky ones had to go to the board and answer questions to get some branded cups and power banks.

“Garbage Collector is –
a) a robot cleaner;
b) a hungry cat;
c) me during spring cleaning;
d) the process that frees memory periodically.”

After a few minutes of fun, conference participants were to ask the speakers of Sync.NET #3 technology questions, and some guests did not miss the opportunity to ask when and how our reporters discovered an interest in IT. :)

Thanks to all of our guests of Sync.NET #3 and see you at the next conference. Through your answers to the questionnaire, feedback, and suggestions, we will make the fourth event even better! By the way, you can also share wishes and suggestions on VK, Facebook, and Twitter.