Recently NIX has achieved an additional level of certification as a Microsoft Partner ― a Silver Cloud Platform Partnership. The team received a silver mark from Microsoft Azure, a cloud platform for deploying, administering, and supporting IT solutions.
2021 could be a big year for e-commerce. Why? First, the digital shift has been on course for some time now. For the past decade or so, more consumers have shifted to online shopping (for convenience), and brands/businesses were forced to follow suit.
According to a recent report by the technical professional organization IEEE, AI, 5G, ML, and IoT are the technologies to watch in 2021. In the survey, roughly one third (32%) of respondents cited Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as the technologies they’re most excited about in 2021. 5G and Inter ...
After a year plus of mayhem and over two million deaths, the world finally has several Covid-19 vaccines that have been proven to be effective and safe for human use. To say it’s a relief would be an understatement. Building immunity against the disease and safely returning to our regular activities is a big deal for e ...
Organizations are facing a growing soft skills gap. According to survey data from the Harvard Business Review, 59% of hiring managers and 89% of executives struggle to find candidates with requisite soft skills. Such, including communication, teamwork, and leadership.
IoT is now a buzzword in most industries, including retail, manufacturing, travel, and even construction. According to Gartner, there were 20.8 billion connected IoT devices in 2020, with the number guaranteed to increase substantially through 2023.
The benefits of data migration are apparent. Whether you seek comprehensive data integrity, reduced storage costs, or to minimize disruptions to daily business processes, migration can be one way to achieve your goals. Data migration is also crucial in upgrading underlying applications and services while boosting effic ...
Secure and modern systems are essential to keep up with evolving customer expectations. The question this raises is, how do you modernize your legacy systems conveniently and seamlessly?
We’re currently in the middle of coronavirus disaster, “the worst pandemic in more than 100 years,” according to Antony Fauci, MD, Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. More than 1.39 million people have already died from the virus, with at least 58 million cases reported in 188 coun ...
On October 24th – 25th NIX organized one of the largest online tech conferences in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Now, when the dust has settled and everything is finally over, we are ready to share how it all went.
Mobile apps are projected to generate $189 billion in revenues in 2020, with Android and iOS developers taking most of the money. That is at least $50 billion above what developers earned in 2019 and twice the 2017 revenue. What’s even more impressive is that all this is happening despite the Coronavirus pandemic.