QA Automation

We have been providing end-to-end QA automation services since 2004. Whether you are looking for custom test automation framework or looking to extend your capacity by adding an offshore test automation team, our service is for you.

Our strengths: rich imagination, prompt turnaround, deep technical expertise and flexible approach to any QA automation challenge. We don’t cling to specific tools and their limitations. Instead, we concentrate on a goal and create the best solution for the specific project using industry best practices and unique in-house innovations.

Our team has repeatedly affirmed its top-level competence by helping world-famous businesses achieve their goals. We pave the way for automation where other vendors have given up.

If you have a QA automation challenge – we are ready to help. We will promptly analyze your case and come up with a technology demo for free. For long-term engagements, we provide a Pilot Period which allows you to test the quality of our services and withhold the payment if you are not satisfied.


  • Test Automation Consulting
  • Dedicated Test Automation Teams
  • Development of Test Automation Harness (Software and Components)


  • Functional testing at the GUI level
  • Functional testing for middleware, e.g., web service API (SOAP, REST, XML-RPC)
  • Functional testing on non-web API and code unit level
  • Performance and load testing
  • Data validation and data consistency testing at different stages of data processing and transformation, including ETL systems
  • Automated code quality, test coverage and security analysis
  • Development of custom automation frameworks and supporting components for logging, reporting, and result analysis, including integration between QA automation system with existing Bug-Tracking and Project Management systems


QA Automation

Examples of custom test automation solutions:

  • Data Validation Tools that provide detailed comparison of the complex structured data from different sources (different versions of the test target system, databases, web services and flat files) to identify data processing defects. Validation tools have friendly GUI and can be used by manual test team and development. Tools: .NET, WinForms, Oracle, SOAP, XML-RPC;
  • Automation Test Reporting represents centralized hub for logging and processing of automation test progress. Provides web service API to log the details of steps and failures for subsequent analysis. Provides rich set of instruments for results analysis and connection to common bug trackers. Generates reports on test-suite level (for high-level progress control) and step/substep level (for script debugging and deep fail analysis). Error information can store video of the fail (in case the test target has UI). Supports multiple projects. Tools: ASP .NET, JQuery, Ajax, Entity Framework, SOAP;
  • Virtual Machine Management. Web-based application that provides access and usage (check-in/checkout/schedule) management of virtual machines deployed on multiple servers, which represent the test environment. Such a solution is required to organize effective utilization of the available computing resources by multiple distributed teams working on multiple projects. Tools: ASP. NET, MVC, VMWare API;
  • Test Management System Integration. Often, we need a solution to seamlessly integrate custom automation frameworks with existing test management or bug-tracking software (Quality Center, Jira, BugZilla, etc.). We have technical expertise to create a web service API to upload tests and test results to a test management system from any source (XML, TXT, XLS, SOAP, DB). Tools: .NET C#, HP ALM.

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